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KL Burgess lives in the Snowy Mountains region of NSW, Australia. Her debut novel, The Kelias Prophecy, was self-published in June 2015 through Balboa Press.

It took two attempts at university and several moves within Australia before KL realised that writing was the only career she could see herself doing for life. She had already penned the manuscript for The Kelias Prophecy and spent months learning and revising until it resembled the finished product. After numerous rejections from agents (though all were very polite) KL finally hooked up with Balboa after attending a Hay House writing workshop.

KL Burgess splits her time between working and writing. Her current works include a new novel and a second part to her online short story series. She is always looking to learn more about her craft and is an avid reader of a vast variety of genres. KL is determined to become an excellent writer and stand alongside the authors that she admires. Her hope is to create novels that everyone can enjoy, regardless of reading ability.

KL Burgess is open to contact, whether you are reading TNC (her online series), her debut novel, know of an opportunity she may enjoy or simply want to chat. Email her at author@klburgess.com or find her on facebook (there is a like button below).

The gallery features the work of artist Linda Burgess (aka Mum), who painted the image used as cover art for The Kelias Prophecy.

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